Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Do we need Kirlian photography to prove the aura exists?

It truly depends on the individual. For those that need more of a visual confirmation, they would find Kirlian photography very important in determining energy fields. For others that have more of a 'felt sensation', they can sense this field on a kinesthetic level. Individuals who do have a regular practice of meditation, yoga or qigong, they can sense this field by their own cultivation. A study done in 2005 at the International Institute of Biophysics in Germany, shows evidence of the existence of the acupuncture meridian structure in the human body. 'After moxibustion of the body in the 3-5 microm range, "light channels" appear on the body, which appear to be identical to what are known as meridians in all textbooks of Traditional Chinese Medicine. These findings appear not only to confirm the existence of acupuncture meridians, but they also open a new window on understanding the energy transfer dynamics of the human body. Furthermore, it is likely that living matter is not in the ground state, but permanently electronically excited."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I personally love to see the photographs that show different colors around the body. Doing Yoga, meditation and Reiki has helped me to tune in to my own light/energy. Body knowledge is profound, I think the photographs are yet another way for people to get curious about themselves... this is a good thing.