Tuesday, November 27, 2012

My opinion on 'Devices to read the Mind'

I truly welcome the use of technology to help with medical conditions and the overall enhancement of life and to help clean up the environment. I do not support devices that will read our minds to assist with marketing strategies, consumerism, and further depletion of the Earth's resources. I also can foresee how this technology could 'get in the wrong hands' and be used in ways that are not so beneficial towards us as individuals and the environment.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Would I support the development of a Bionic Person?

I am in full and complete support of development of bionic body parts. What a wonderful concept and technology to help those who have lost a limb. When we look more at the development of a 'Bionic Person', my thoughts drift towards what is happening currently with the use of Drones in war fare. In a recent article from the Washington Post, it was stated that it has been 10 years since the first strike by an armed U.S. drone killed an al-Qaeda leader and five associates in Yemen. Since then, according to unofficial counts, there have been more than 400 “targeted killing” drone attacks in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia — countries where the United States is not fighting a conventional war. About 3,000 people have been killed, including scores — maybe hundreds — of civilians. And though the United States is winding down its military mission in Afghanistan, the Obama administration, as The Post’s Greg Miller reported last week, “expects to continue adding names to kill or capture lists for years.” Very frightening. It is for this reason that I do not support the creation of a 'Bionic Person'.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Do we need Kirlian photography to prove the aura exists?

It truly depends on the individual. For those that need more of a visual confirmation, they would find Kirlian photography very important in determining energy fields. For others that have more of a 'felt sensation', they can sense this field on a kinesthetic level. Individuals who do have a regular practice of meditation, yoga or qigong, they can sense this field by their own cultivation. A study done in 2005 at the International Institute of Biophysics in Germany, shows evidence of the existence of the acupuncture meridian structure in the human body. 'After moxibustion of the body in the 3-5 microm range, "light channels" appear on the body, which appear to be identical to what are known as meridians in all textbooks of Traditional Chinese Medicine. These findings appear not only to confirm the existence of acupuncture meridians, but they also open a new window on understanding the energy transfer dynamics of the human body. Furthermore, it is likely that living matter is not in the ground state, but permanently electronically excited."

How Might Intention Affect Health?

In so many ways! Energy follows intention. Wherever you place your attention, your life energy will go. What is your 'mind' telling you? These patterns are then embodied in our behavior and our 'ideas' of who we actually are. Intention is very powerful. This concept is embedded deeply and richly in many traditions. Mantras, chanting, toning, Kirtan, many ways to help set a clear state of 'mind/spirit'. In yoga it’s called sankalpa, a Sanskrit word that means “resolution or resolve”. The practice of sankalpa is the practice of intention setting. The power of intention is a 'call to awakening' as mythologist Joseph Campbell said once. Awakening from our habitual patterns. Aligning us with our true nature. “When you say something with your whole being…. it can transform the world” -Thich Nhat Hanh

Is Acupuncture 'Energy Medicine'?

Yes, most definitely. Qi is the Chinese word for 'life energy', the animating power that embodies all living things. This is the focal point, the 'hub', of Acupuncture and Chinese medicine. The qi of the practitioner is sent through needles which are inserted into acupuncture points in the skin. The energy of the herbs prescribed, help to rebalance the body's field into a state of homeostasis. The application of medical qigong and Tuina, from the practitioner to the patient, helps to re-educate tissues, activate circulation, calm down the nervous system, assist flow in the lymphatic system, and create a state of energetic balance in the body. When the body is in balance, the immune system has more energy to maintain health. We are subject to so many stressors living in this current age. So much more is expected of us, the demands from 'life', environmental toxins and chemicals, the constant and potent EMF fields we are constantly exposed to, what is placed on our grocery shelves labeled as 'food', the list goes on. We may feel that we can handle this stress load, but the internalized imbalance from carrying such a heavy load is detrimentally shifting our health as well as affecting the environment negatively. It is essential to maintain the health of our internal environment and learn to control our reactions to it. Hippocrates believed that the forces of life, like qi, must flow. When there is flow, one is healthy.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Life's Code- Biophysics and Oriental Medicine

In 1974, a young postdoc in molecular biology named Harvey Bialy (who happened to be a poet and a student of esoteric religions) published in a literary magazine his observation that the mathematical structure of the DNA molecule is strictly analogous to the structure of the most revered test of ancient Chinese wisdom, the I Ching. ('DNA and the I Ching') It is interesting, looking at a deeper level, that all living things are animated by the language of these four letters: a, g, c, t, the four chemical compounds contained in the DNA double helix. The genetic code contains: 4x4x4=64possible 'words'?
The shape of this double helix can be traced back in many traditions and cultures as 'shamanic ladder's' of some sort, connecting sky and earth (J. Narby- 'Cosmic Serpant'). There are even suggestions that DNA, the molecule of life may have extraterrestrial origin, through the theory of 'panspermia'. That means that even the cells of our DNA hold sacred geometrical patterns. Sacred Geometry, is an ancient science that explores and explains the energy patterns that create and unify all things and reveals the precise way that the energy of Creation organizes itself. Divide any number in the Fibonacci sequence by the one before it, and the answer is always close to 1.61803. This is known as the Golden Ratio. Phi, 1.618 (approx.), which is also the angle of DNA. This 'golden ratio' mathematical formula appears in many structures in nature. From the tail of a seahorse, to seashells, flowers, plants, spirals of hurricanes, tornados, galaxies and planets. Even the human body, from toes to navel is 1.618 times longer than your navel to the top of your head. Neils Bohr was so impressed with the connection between the I Ching and the various dualities in quantum theory that, when he was knighted, he made the Tai Chi symbol a part of his coat of arms. The Taoists of China represent the caduceus with the yin-yang, which symbolizes the coiling of two serpentine and cmplementary forms into a single androgynous vital principle.

Careful what you think

I know I am a living system because I have...Qi! That which has a qi-field has a life-force. All living systems have a qi field that can be measured. Qi, a concept some find challenging to try to explain with words but we know more as a 'felt-sensation'. I was contemplating the equation E=mc2 on a recent bike ride. I took it a step further. On spiritual paths, we are striving to become 'whole'... to become 'one'. If we, the mass, becomes 'one' then the equation shifts to: Qi=E=(1)c2. Qi=c2, which shifts us to light bodies, energetic bodies. This is the state that most traditions refer to as en'light'enment. Interesting to ponder. It has been proven that our intentions are very powerful. Those of us with strong meditation/qigong practices can relate to this principle directly. Meditation, qigong, healing through sound and music, all are effective in elevating our energy fields. Mantras, chanting and song have been richly intertwined in our 'web of life' for a very long time. It has been proven that DNA are activated on a greater level when exposed to powerful and health generating energy fields. What does this say of our negative thoughts and belief patterns? Our 'minds' are incredibly powerful, and we are told that we use less than a quarter of it's full potential. Bruce Lipton has done some interesting research in this field. Proving how what we 'perceive' as our environment, directly influences our behavior patters and our genes. Geneticists have discovered that human DNA undergoes an evolutionary jump when a person is sending positive frequencies through positive affirmations and gratitude. Energy does follow intention. It was Marcel Proust who said, 'The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands but seeing with new eyes.'