Makes perfect sense to me. I think the funny part of it all is the significance placed on the study of it. We are so closely related that it would be more absurd to think that chimps don't use tools. I actually feel that we could learn a lot more from studying their behavioral patterns and how they care for their home rather than destroy it. How many creatures do you see that have this pattern of behavior?
What does concern me is the severity in which their habitat is being destroyed for our so called 'needs'. It is truly a brutal world that corporations can have so much control that they can destroy the planet at such an alarming rate. It's truly horrendous how often you see that the leaders in some of these major corporations fluctuate so rapidly between government officials and decision makers for these businesses. Where is the separation? Hopefully, very soon, the chimps can design some tools that will destroy corporate greed... haven't these folks ever read the 'Lorax'?
1 comment:
I am equally as concerned with Ego with feeling that they can do with what they please with the environment irrespective of the costs and consequences. By the way what is "Lorax"?
Also, great pictures, you are very talented.
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