I feel that first and foremost people should take responsibility for their own choices. They should inform themselves about their diet. Know where their food comes from, how far a distance it has to travel before arriving in their mouth, and learn about the 'extra' ingredients added. Restaurants should have to post all dietary information and make it available to the consumer, including any foods which are genetically modified. All preservatives should be required on the list as well. It should also be noted if any of these food products caused any devastation environmentally. Any advertisement should have to list the ingredients and dietary information as well as health warnings, like they have to advertise for cigarettes. They should not be allowed to target children in their advertisements or be allowed to include a free toy or game upon purchase. This is a set-up. Children under 18 years of age should not be allowed to consume these ingredients until they are old enough to make mature decisions on what they are consuming. I would also make it unlawful to have a playground inside your establishment, another decoy. This may all sound a bit extreme but these fast food chains need to be held accountable. They are not here to provide any of us with a healthy nourishing meal, they are here to just make a buck. The times need to be a changin'.
I agree with you that the time is needed to change. However, advertising and marketing will probably never go away. So whatever decoys they use will probably continue and become even more creative in the future. However education as you mention is the key. Get out there and really teach them how the ends are justifying the means. Do a little media advertising of our own. We tend to get brainwashed by the media. Remember the "got milk" commericals? Let's hire some "stars" of our own to get the info. out there. Maybe that will work?
By the way, did I ever tell you what a great job you do on your blog. Awesome pictures and display. Smile!
exactly how i feel, but said much better. thanks for being so articulate and detailed!
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